
Welcome to my Blog! Here I will post random things, tech stuff, and personal projects. (more.)


May. 2, 2023

HyWire: My Private Cellular Network

PROJECT STATUS: Work-In-Progress Project Explanation I was annoyed by the poor cellular service with full signal strength and still unable to load text only web page. As my old job used to say, “Where there’s a Will, there’s a way.” (Oh look! A punny!) Project Goals/Intentions/Ideas This project aims to build a robust communications network capable of maintaining stable communications even in a disaster and help provide a network for IoT devices to use via 4G/5G cellular service and LoRaWAN.

May. 2, 2023

US-EVI-1 Datacenter & Network Operations of AS400245.net

PROJECT STATUS: Work-In-Progress Project Explanation When I first launched DynaCentri in April of 2020, I hoped to operate in my own data center, which would have given me more flexibility and offered more to customers. Unfortunately, due to the unforeseen wrath of COVID-19 in January 2020, in October 2022, I shut down DynaCentri Operations until the time is right to redeploy. Contracts & Cross-Connects As of November 2022, all contracts have been signed for rack space and our cross-connects to Tier 1 ISPs for IP transit.

Oct. 21, 2021

Sentinel: Discord Guild Verification Bot

PROJECT STATUS: Work-In-Progress Project Explanation Sentinel verifies new users before allowing entry to a Discord guild. Sentinel checks new users for potential alt-account usage and ban evasion. Project Goals/Intentions/Ideas (✓) Verify the authenticity of a new member before allowing full guild access. (✓) Check for VPN/ToR/Proxy usage and IP history. ( ) Spot patterns and potential alt accounts. ( ) Anti-raid/spam protection. ( ) Allow guild owners to require 3rd party verification such as YouTube, Twitch, Steam, etc.